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Construction Committee 12282006
Bolton Library Construction Committee Minutes
December 28, 2006
7:30pm – 10:00pm

Kelly Collins, Pam Czekanski, Brent Gates, Joel Lindsay, Roland Ochsenbein, John Rodenhiser, Mickie Simpson, Bill Strapko
Chris Rogers
Tim Bonfatti, President RF Walsh ~

·       This was the third meeting of the newly formed construction committee. Roland Ochsenbein acting chair until committee organizes. John Rodenhiser recorded minutes.

·       The committee continued discussions regarding the Construction Manager At Risk program. Guest Tim Bonfatti, president of RF Walsh, an OPM firm and someone instrumental in the inclusion of CM at Risk in public projects in Massachusetts discussed the CM program background, rules and regs, advantages and disadvantages, and applicability to the Bolton Library project. CM at Risk is an alternative to the traditional design-bid-build method of building as embodied in Chapter 149. A new statute, M.G.L. c. 149A, was created by Chapter 193 of the Acts of 2004 that provides the option to cities and towns (as well as public agencies) to use the CM at Risk method for building projects valued at $5 million or more. Under CM at Risk, a public owner prequalifies and selects a Construction Manager (CM) during the design phase. The CM provides planning, estimating, scheduling and other consulting services to the Owner and Architect during the design phase. When the design is near completion, the CM and the awarding authority negotiate a Guaranteed Maximum Price (“GMP”) and schedule. The CM then acts as the general contractor during the construction of the project and prequalifies and procures all of the construction trade contractors that will perform the work. The CM is required to share all cost information with the public owner so that an informed public owner will only pay for the Cost of the Work plus an agreed fee for the CM up to the GMP.  

·       The first draft of the Owner’s Project Manager RFP was circulated and was determined to require more work before being ready for a detailed review by the full LCC. Brent to circulate draft copies online to LCC.

·       Roland provided a brief overview of the Public Safety Task Force meeting of 12/19/06. There appears to be gathering momentum for a combined Police/Fire Station (i.e. Public Safety building) on the current fire station site. The LCC will continue monitoring developments as shared septic, well, and other infrastructure details will have to be coordinated as the library design proceeds. Roland, along with Bob Zak, also attended the BoS meeting on 12/21/06 where a library abutter, represented by counsel, requested that the LCC consider relocation of the parking areas identified in the current preliminary design. Abutter has been invited to attend LCC meetings.

·       Most LCC members have taken a tour of the current library building.

·       Minutes of 12/14  unanimously approved as submitted with no amendments or corrections.

Next meetings: All at 7:30 pm at Town Hall
January 11      February 22
January 25      March 8
February 8      March 22

Advanced Tentative Agenda Topics
Jan 28
Review/approve/sign minutes, correspondence (letter from Andrew Burnett)
Discussion of design and decision process (with members of Building Planning Committee)
Review working draft of OPM RFP
Administrivia: Committee organization.